Chi Lin

“ 藝術誕生在各種行為之中,當然也存於造型的過程裡,

Chi Lin 目前的身份是名髮型師、藝術家與療癒家。他的造型世界在與不同「人」和「畫面」的對話下而成形著,並倚著彼此之間的火花,自然地長出最適合的模樣。針對美髮服務,Chi 選擇踏入客戶的生活與審美世界中,安置理想價值,由內而外地與每個人尋找屬於自己的美。

Chi Lin is a full time hairstylist, part time artist and healer. His world of aesthetics lives in the conversation with human beings and each generation, in other words, his pov of beauty grows up naturally through the chemistry of social interaction. So if the art exists in the process of every behavior, that means it also could be found in hair styling, therefore, Chi’s mission is to illustrate an expected identity and state for people, and trigger a nice life with confidence. In hair styling service, he is known for placing the ideal values into the customers’ daily, to awaken the unique beauty from the inside out.

美髮服務 Hair Styling Services

在時尚專案上,Chi 已合作過 Vogue、Elle、Harper Bazaar、Marie Claire、Schön! Magazine、À PART、MilkX、MensUno、Sicky 等雜誌與線上媒體,並參與 CHANEL、Marc Jacobs、SHIATZY CHEN 等品牌發表秀場,其專注於跨領域的思維融合與溝通,將先鋒雋永的髮型帶入每個決定性瞬間。

For fashion commissions, Chi into combine diverse ideas from cross-disciplinary, and through closely communicating with the photographic team to bring avant-garde and timeless hair styling into every decisive moment. He was a part of the fashion covers and editorials, ex. Vogue、Elle、Harper Bazaar、Marie Claire、Schön! Magazine、À PART、MilkX、MensUno、Sicky......, also participated the luxury brands' shows, ex. CHANEL、Marc Jacobs、SHIATZY CHEN.

時尚造型 Fashion Projects

“ 過去及未來是另一個現在。”

當穿梭在「過去」各種時尚、髮型、文化⋯⋯歷史脈絡間,Chi 習慣將自己放在不同時間節點上扮演與行動,得出一段段可以放在他不同創意抽屜裡的素材,讓「現在」與「未來」可以自由地運用。這些抽屜可以很個人、親密,也可以被打開來用於傳承與啟發;可以作為剪髮時與顧客開啟共識的鑰匙,更可以變為和人交流的一種語言。

目前 Chi 開設的大師班將聚焦在時尚造型教學與沙龍剪髮教學兩大面向,內容將從 2090 年代的髮型故事開始,連結學員的自我認同與美髮技藝,進而誕生個人獨特、面對顧客的設計語言。

The past and the future are the present. In order to get the ideas for his mind drawers, Chi tries to play roles and make actions when he “shuttle” back and forth in the different timeline of beauty and fashion histories. These drawers could be freely used by the present and the future, be taken for art making, as a key to connect the thoughts with customers, or turn it into a language to communicate with the public. Now, they are open to everyone to use and be part of it. 

The master classes of Chi focus on fashion hair styling, hair cutting, and salon services. It helps students explore their unique design languages from the connection of self-identity and hair techniques. And all aspects will base on the key of hair histories from the past to 21st century.

專業課程 Master Classes

藝術不單只是提出觀點,如果要對世界產生更大的影響力,可以選擇建立在療癒之上。Chi 也試著把抽象藝術、觀念藝術與各種內在情緒轉述到頭髮上,從挑釁與思辨開始,接著走向療癒,讓它在各種人生際遇的交集下,變為一種說故事的媒材。

“Raw”,”Real”, and ”Destruction”, these three constantly are reorganized by time, and come to beauty. Chi believes in that the art not only to make a point but also to heal. He tries to merge abstract art, conceptual art, diverse feelings and the life encounters into hair styling by artistic provoking, speculating and healing. Ami to make hair becomes a perfect storyteller to represent his world. 

“ 美存在於原生、真實、解構之間,而它們將隨著環境不斷重組著彼此。”

藝術創作 Art Projects


For any collaborations, please feel free to contact me via the ways below directly.


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